We turned our class into a Disney ride and it was AWESOME!
"If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started by a mouse." - Walt Disney During our vacation to Disneyland last summer I was riding through Alice in Wonderland and thinking about how much I loved seeing stories brought to life. As I enjoyed watching the created scenes and listening to the familiar songs I had an idea. Why not see if my students could create their own smaller version of a Disney ride with a novel we read as a class? Surely it could be done. If Disney could do it, why not us? Good news! We built a ride, shared it with about 280 guests and it was AMAZING! Not only did the young ones learn a ton about communication, creative and critical thinking, and personal and social responsibility, but they also loved every moment of it! If you are interested in seeing how we pulled this off, the rest of this post is for you. The Launch There is a bit of prep that went into this. Since we were going to be ...